p16/Ki67 AutoReader: Revolutionizing Cervical Cancer Screening with Automated Cytology

Our p16/Ki67 AutoReader software leverages cutting-edge technology to automate the identification of double-labeled cells on p16/Ki67-stained, digitized smear images. This innovative solution is poised to transform cervical cancer screening, offering pathologists and pathology labs numerous scientific and professional benefits.

Unparalleled Speed and Accuracy

With p16/Ki67 AutoReader, cervical cancer screening is accelerated to an unprecedented level. Our software analyzes smear images within minutes, significantly reducing the time required for examination. Moreover, a study showed that our software reduced the rate of false negatives from 14% (pathologist alone) to less than 1% (pathologist using p16/Ki67 AutoReader). This notable improvement greatly reduces the possibility of overlooking potential cases, offering pathologists increased confidence in their diagnoses.

Reliability and Standardization

p16/Ki67 AutoReader establishes a new standard of reliability and standardization in cervical cancer screening. By automating the first manual analysis our software guarantees consistent results, regardless of the operator. This ensures operator independence, minimizing variability and enhancing the overall quality of screening outcomes. Additionally, the software’s compatibility with regular PCs and all scanners simplifies integration into existing laboratory workflows, making it accessible and adaptable to various laboratory setups.

CE-Marked and Clinically Validated

p16/Ki67 AutoReader is a CE-marked, patent-protected product. Our ISO 13485 certification further attests to our commitment to adhering to the highest quality standards. The software has undergone extensive clinical testing, including a rigorous three-month beta test conducted within a renowned laboratory in Lyon, France. The results were remarkable, our software drastically reduced the rate of false negatives from 14% to 0%. These clinical validations underscore the effectiveness and reliability of our product.

Enhancing Laboratory Productivity and Clinical Care

p16/Ki67 AutoReader not only enhances the accuracy of cervical cancer screening but also significantly improves laboratory productivity. During our beta test, pathologists experienced a staggering 93% reduction in time spent per smear (from 30 minutes to 2 minutes), enabling them to process a higher volume of cases efficiently. The software seamlessly integrates into laboratory workflows, allowing cytotechnicians to initiate the analysis and pre-confirm software outputs before pathologists review the results. This collaborative approach ensures optimal utilization of resources and streamlines the diagnostic process.

Advancing Cancer Care and Collaboration

By incorporating p16/Ki67 AutoReader into their practices, pathologists can expect improved cancer care outcomes. The software’s prompt report generation enables gynecologists to promptly initiate appropriate therapeutic pathways for patients with cervical cancer, minimizing delays and enhancing patient management. Furthermore, the strengthened collaboration between gynecologists and pathologists, facilitated by our software’s reliable and standardized analysis, fosters a more efficient and harmonious working relationship.

Leadership in AI-Driven Cancer Screening

By embracing p16/Ki67 AutoReader, pathology labs position themselves at the forefront of AI-driven cancer screening. This pioneering adoption of advanced technology not only enhances their professional reputation but also aligns with the evolving landscape of healthcare. The implementation of our AI-based solution offers pathologists and laboratory staff a more enriching experience, empowering them to focus on critical tasks and further contributing to employee retention in the face of workforce shortages.

Join the Future of Cervical Cancer Screening with p16/Ki67 AutoReader of Ummon. Benefit from faster, more accurate, and reliable results while improving patient care, optimizing workflows, and cementing your position as a leader in pathology.

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General Introduction Ummon HealthTech is a place where cutting-edge science meets innovative healthcare solutions. We are dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through our range of products